Anti-bribery Policy
1. Introduction
Agilocity PTY Ltd is committed to conducting its business ethically and transparently. Bribery and corruption are not tolerated under any circumstances. This policy outlines Agilocity's stance on bribery and the measures implemented to prevent bribery and corrupt practices.
This policy complies with the South African Prevention and Combating of Corrupt Activities Act, 2004, and reflects our commitment to integrity, fairness, and compliance with all legal standards.
2. Purpose
The purpose of this policy is to:
Ensure that all employees, contractors, and stakeholders understand the company’s position on bribery.
Establish a clear framework for detecting, preventing, and addressing bribery and corruption.
Safeguard Agilocity’s reputation and avoid potential legal or reputational damage due to corrupt practices.​
3. Scope
This policy applies to all employees, directors, officers, consultants, agents, contractors, and any third-party representatives of Agilocity. It also extends to all business dealings and transactions, whether conducted directly or indirectly.
4. Definitions
Bribery: Offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting anything of value to influence the actions of an individual in a position of authority or trust.
Corruption: The abuse of entrusted power for private gain, which can include bribery, fraud, or other dishonest practices.
5. Policy Statement
Agilocity strictly prohibits:
Offering, giving, or promising a bribe to influence a business decision.
Accepting or requesting a bribe in any form, including cash, gifts, services, or favors.
Any facilitation payments, which are small payments made to expedite routine transactions.
Engaging in any activity that could be perceived as corrupt or dishonest.
6. Gifts and Hospitality
While Agilocity understands the importance of building relationships, employees must exercise caution when giving or receiving gifts and hospitality to ensure they cannot be perceived as bribes.
Gifts or hospitality must be modest and not exceed a reasonable threshold.
All gifts or hospitality that could be considered influential must be declared and reported to the Compliance Officer.
7. Responsibilities
Management: Responsible for implementing and enforcing this policy throughout Agilocity.
Employees: Required to read, understand, and comply with this policy. Employees are responsible for reporting any known or suspected bribery or corruption incidents to the designated Compliance Officer.
Compliance Officer: Appointed to oversee the enforcement of the Anti-Bribery Policy and ensure training and support are provided to all employees.
8. Reporting and Whistleblowing
Agilocity encourages all employees to report any suspicions of bribery or corruption in good faith. Reports can be made confidentially and anonymously to the Compliance Officer. Agilocity is committed to protecting whistleblowers and ensuring there is no retaliation against employees who report concerns.
9. Monitoring and Enforcement
Agilocity will regularly review its processes to ensure compliance with anti-bribery laws and this policy. Any employee found to have violated this policy will face disciplinary action, which may include dismissal and legal proceedings.
10. Training and Communication
All employees, agents, and third-party representatives will receive appropriate training to understand and comply with this Anti-Bribery Policy. Agilocity will ensure the policy is communicated to all stakeholders and included in contracts where relevant.
11. Review of Policy
This policy will be reviewed annually or when necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness.
12. Contact
Please direct all communication to info@agilocity.co.za